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Easier way to build meaningful relationships while you're remote

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“I miss random interactions in the office.”

It's hard to meet new colleagues in the office.

There's more to Diversity than simply having people on the team.

Person in isolation working remotely
Meet Teamland App

Fun & Inclusive Team Building

Designed after hosting hundreds of team building events and knowing what's missing for a lot of teams isn't always the big events, it's the smaller moments where we meet each other.
  • Get to know your team and easily meet new colleagues
  • Have more random interactions at work
  • Create a more inclusive culture automatically
Teamland Teambuilding App matching and pairing with inclusivity

How It Works

Set it and forget it
Teamland Teambuilding App Options

Set Up

Install the app, choose categories & invite your team.

Teamland Teambuilding App with animals


Every week answer a question that's asked automatically

Teamland Teambuilding App connecting 2 people


Get matched and learn more about each other

Ready to try it out?

We’re hosting teams that want to grow