Spreadsheet Wars

Spreadsheet Wars is a mini virtual hackathon, where participants show off their skills in Google Sheets or similar programs.

How it Works

Group Size: 
4+ ppl
30 mins - 2 hrs

To play Spreadsheet Wars, you choose a theme like “most advanced calculation” or “design a mini game”, and then the only parameter is that participants can only use the spreadsheet software to build a solution. If scrappy solutions are helpful for your organization then you could set a theme like, “cost reduction calculator” to help build useful tools.

Some starter topics could include: design a "choose your own adventure story", create a beat-box harmony using sound scripts, or compete to reproduce the best pixel art Mona Lisa.

Spreadsheets are powerful tools and most people have only scratched the surface of formulas and other features. By playing games like Spreadsheet Wars you can help upgrade these skills and have fun while doing it.

Ideal For:

Having Some Fun
Learning Something New and Increasing Knowledge

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